
"Keep It Growing!"
Willits Community Garden - Harrah Senior Center
WANT TO GROW FOOD? NEED SPACE? Operated by the Harrah Senior Center in coordination with the Gardens Project of North Coast Opprtunities, the Senior Center Garden has spaces for members of the Willits community to grow produce for their own uses.
For a fee of $25 per year and agreement to follow Community Garden guidelines, individuals or groups work at their own rate, share in the use of tools and supplies, and cooperatively maintain communal areas of the Garden.
The WILLITS GARDEN CLUB has purchased four rows there as a Community Project, and Garden Club members will grow produce for the benefit of the Senior Center and the Willits Community. In addition, Fran and Gloria of the Garden Club are helping coordinate assignment of rows and other arrangements.
LOCATION: Willits Harrah Senior Center
1501 Baechtel Road, Willits
The new season for Community Gardens begins April 1, 2022. THERE IS SPACE FOR NEW GARDENERS.
FEE: $25.00 per row or raised bed per year. The Gardens Project will provide some seeds, supplies and other support for all participating gardeners.
CONTACT: Sarah Marshall of the Gardens Project, (smarshall@ncoinc.org) or Fran Gardner of the Willits Garden Club (its2fran@aol.com).
Aerial view:
This diagram of the Senior Garden row assignments will be updated as new gardeners join up. (Click for larger image.)

Senior Center Garden